Wednesday 06/10/09


Front Squat
5 x 5

Compare to 06/02/09.

Rest several minutes.

8 min AMRAP of:
10 DB Hang Squat Clean
1 Down-back

AMRAP = "as many rounds as possible"

Click here for a description and demo of the DB hang squat clean. We'll discuss appropriate weights beforehand.

Post-WOD Stretching


Anonymous said...

hey this is sarah, i was just wondering what i should do over vacation so that when i get back im not completely outta shape and the other guys all buff and beastly :) i will just plan on push ups pull ups and sit ups...but idk if there is anything special i should do.

Phil said...


There's one coming up on Thursday that you can definitely do - it's called "Cindy," and I'll describe it below. Beyond that, I'll try to post at least one WOD within the next few days that you can do while on vacation. I say "at least one" because since you're only missing two days, you don't really need to do more than 2 workouts. If you do 3, that's great too, but stay within the 2-3 range.

You spend 20 minutes doing as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

So basically, 1 round is those 3 exercises, and then you just keep doing as many rounds as you can - but stop at the 20 minute mark.

For the other WOD, check back to these comments within the day or so.

Phil said...


Here's another one that you could do today or perhaps tomorrow:

5 rounds for time of:
200m run
10 squats
10 push-ups

For the 200m run, it doesn't need to be exactly 200m. Try to imagine the length of a football field - just run that distance and back again, and you'll be reasonably close.