Workouts on the Road

Hanah requested a workout since she won't be at MSCL on Thursday, so I've provided a few options below. These would also work for anyone else who misses a MSCL session but would still like to get a workout in. Some of these workouts require no equipment (besides a stopwatch), and some require minimal equipment (such as a bar or tree branch for pull-ups or perhaps some type of solid, elevated surface for box jumps).

I've created a couple of these WODs myself and have also pulled some from other locations such as R.A.R.E. CrossFit's "Workouts on the Road" page. If you'd like some more options, that site is a great resource, and I would encourage you to check it out.

Some advice - pick a WOD that has something you don't like in it. For example, maybe you really don't like burpees - then this is a perfect example to conquer that particular exercise. Pick an appropriate WOD and hammer it out!

Unless otherwise stated, all these WODs are For Time. 3-2-1-GO!

No Equipment:
  1. 4 rounds: Run 400m, 50 squats
  2. 5 rounds: Run 200m, 10 Push-ups, 15 Sit-ups, 20 Squats
  3. 7 rounds: 7 Squats, 7 Burpees
  4. 3 rounds: 30 Squats, 30 Sit-ups, 30 sec Handstand. The handstand is performed against a wall (just like when you learned it at MSCL). You can take rest breaks from the handstand, but the clock keeps running, and don't count the rest time toward the 30 seconds. It would be wise to place something soft beneath your head as a cushion while doing the handstand.

Minimal Equipment:
  1. 3 rounds: 20 Burpees, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Push-ups
  2. 10 rounds: 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats
  3. 10 rounds: 10 Burpees, 10 Pull-ups

Back Squat and Push Press (07/15/09)

A safety note regarding the above video - at one point, Kiley mentions to Sarah that there should be two sounds when a person re-racks the weight. In saying this, Kiley is referring to the fact that the bar should first make solid contact with the back of the rack (i.e., walk forward into the rack), and then the bar should be set down onto the rack supports. She does NOT mean that a person should first set the bar on one of the rack supports (say, the left support) and then set the bar on the other rack support (the right support).

1 comment:

Kiley said...

Great video! I lof it! Also, one of my favorite parts is the VERY end where Brooke gets the "fail" right and then...claps for herself. Awesome. =)