Today's post has a squat video - it would be very beneficial to you to take approximately 2 minutes and watch this video. I've posted a few comments below this video as well. Be sure to read all of the comments - you'll be glad you did!
Baseline Metcon
For time:
200m run
15-12-9 reps of:
200m run
Some comments:
- Good hip drive. He sends his hips back to start the squat and drives up out of the hole with his hips. The power of a back squat comes from the hips.
- Because he sends his hips back when squatting, his torso must lean forward somewhat for counterbalance (this actually helps with hip drive too). This is necessary - if you try to keep your chest too upright, you will lose power. We like power.
- Note how he shoves his knees out as he squats (yes, they might move in a little as he comes out of the squat, but this is simply because he's fighting a very hefty weight - he's actively pushing them out the whole time).
- See where his gaze is directed? He's looking forward and down.
- Pay attention to his breathing. Right before he descends, he inhales, fills his chest and sticks it out, and the result is a nice lumbar arch. In other words, his back is either straight or slightly arched - it never even comes close to that "camel-back" look (and no, it's not the belt that accomplishes this - that's a discussion for another day).
- Today's warm-up will have 20 burpees. If you post a comment to the comments section of this post (right at the bottom), you will only have to do 10. Make sure you give your first name - maybe a last initial if needed (don't put your first and last name - this is the internet, folks - keep your privacy). You might need to sign up for a google account if you don't have one - if you use gmail, you already have one.
- Check out the sweet socks.
- All that chalk is there to keep the bar from slipping. When you squat heavy, you sweat, and the chalk helps absorb moisture, both on your hands and, in this case, on his shoulders and back.
- His thumbs are over the bar, and his wrists are straight. This keeps his wrists from taking any of that weight (and with 485 pounds on the bar, that's important).
- Seriously, the socks are sweet.
kyle B was here! and im the first one so i shouldnt have to do any burpees!
Nikolai agrees about the socks haha
i dont want to be a LAME-OOOOOO, but i don't want to do burpees either so i am commenting.
Big Dish said this to not do 20 burpees but 10 and says hi to all
PS: might be havin a card night this or next saturday which would work for you guys?
well...i have commented...pretty productive day...
i am diggin the socks
WE WERE HERE!! only 10 burpees for emma and beth! unless were late. in which case well have roundabouts 30. and if we forget our binders well have 40. but were gonna try not to forget. or be late for that matter. but well see. we are the burpee sisters, after all.
(p.s. were wearing sweet socks tomorrow. just so you know.)
only 10 burpees!
Arianne only wants to do 10 burpees
logan's only doing 10 burpees
I think the headband may have had something to do with it.
sarah was here
this guy is beastly! how much is that?
I agree with Brooke, burpees are no fun so I guess I will comment! (: This is lotte by the way, I doubt there are any other lottes in this school so no last initial! (:
obviously wearing a headband and socks means you can lift more. and only 10 burpees for me
Lovin the socks! :)
-kara s.
for 10 burpees, thats right!
10 burpees? Ok. Cool.
^that was ALEX kLEMP by the way. Not Zachary. He's a slacker.
JACK likes da socks and headband
btw 10 less burpees 4 me
The guy in the video is squatting nearly 500 pounds for 5 reps and only Sarah finds that impressive enough to mention.
C'mon basketball boys. I'm expecting to see Coach Meggers posting pictures of you performing similar feats of strength.
Stronger = Better Athlete.
-Coach Bartels
i only have to do tan burpees!!!!!!!
Cool, well this video just showed up 4 me lol, i'm still gonna have to do 20 burpees! But oh well Jared C. was here...
I was here
Long socks FTW
emma h
the socks are ok not as cool as my glow in the dark socks but they are ok.
only 10 burpies for phil
i was here...all of 10 mins to spare
Tommy H only has 10 burpees and sweet socks
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