Back Squat
2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Bench Press
2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Strict Pull-ups
3 sets
Assisted pull-ups - 3 x 10
Bodyweight pull-ups - 3 x 15
3 x 20
Then . . . a surprise!
Below is a slow-motion clip of a 140kg clean (308 lbs). A few things to note:
- The arms stay very straight until he reaches the top of his jump. Very important.
- His upper arms are nearly parallel with the floor when he catches (or "receives") the bar. In other words, his elbows are pointing forward, not down. This helps with . . .
- He receives the bar on his shoulders, not on his hands. This is a very secure and solid place to receive the barbell. His wrists and hands aren't supporting any of the weight, which is good - would you want to catch 308 lbs in your hands? Actually, if you look closely, his entire hand isn't even around the bar when he catches it - his pinky finger has come off the bar by this point. That's perfectly acceptable - it allows him to get his elbows up.
- Post a comment - what can you improve upon in your power clean? Keeping your arms straight? Jumping more? Elbows up in the receiving position? Remembering the hook grip? The reward for posting is . . . a mystery!
And now, a few photos from day 1 of summer MSCL (my apologies to sessions 3 and 4 - I didn't have my camera with me in the afternoon, but I'll get some pics of you guys too!).
elbows up faster, jump more, less pull with arms. weightlifting shoes are on the way
I could work on jumping higher
my elbows should be pointing forward
my goal for a better clean is to jump more and keep my chest out. (straight back) and haha meggs that means you wont get any pics of me! :) cuz im in session 2 and you already got pics of them!! :) mwahaha
I could bring my elbows up higher.
elbows upppp.
elbows up, making sure the bar hits my thighs...
I need to jump more and pull with my arms less
I need to jump more with my legs and pull less with my arms.
I need to jump more with my legs and pull less with my arms.
Arms srtraighter
Jump more
i need to keep arms straighter
My elbows need to come up more
elbows higher
If trevor says weight lifting shoes one more time im gonna flip. I like how he kinda uses his hips to push the bar up and out, interesting. I can always jump faster get under the bar quicker.
I wanted to make a quick point regarding the idea of using the hips to push the bar up and out - this is important so we don't develop any bad habits.
Sorry in advance for the length of this comment - if any of you read the whole thing, I'll be impressed!
The trajectory of the bar does change a bit as it makes contacts with his upper thighs, but he's not trying to hit the bar up and out. Instead, this is just a result of the violent extension - or straightening - of his hips. In other words, his thighs brush the bar because he's jumping.
If you watch closely, you'll note that the bar's path doesn't change much at all. Mostly, its path is still vertical. In fact, he has a fair amount of "lean-back" as he's jumping - this is that idea of "moving your body around the bar - not the bar around your body" that we mention from time to time. This allows the bar to travel in a near-perfect vertical path.
So, saxman24.5, thanks for bringing up a very good topic!
i need to work on pretty much everything about my power clean. once its actually heavy, my technique goes out the window....
elbows up and catching it on my chest, not hands
Icould keep my elbows up
I could keep my elbows higher
I NEED MY ELBOWS UP! and i should probably jump more and land lower to get under the bar.
i need to have a bigger jump and EXPLODE
I need to keep the bar closer to my legs because I always bring it out around my knees instead of shoving my butt back... I think thats what I am suppose to do!
the reward better not be more burpees
i need to keep my arms straighter for longer
I need to jump more and make sure i remember all the steps instead of just lifting
I could work on having my elbows higher up when I finish.
i need to get my elbows underneath the bar faster and i need to try to be more explosive also.
Need to prevent the bar from cutting my neck so much when I catch it and less arms involved
I need to have my elbows up more and remember the hook grip.
first i need to be able to power clean without my back dying
but if that wish comes true my second and third wishes would be to jump higher and less pull with arms
Just get huge triceps. Continue to post comments and do the full warm-up. better landing position
I need to get my elbows up in the receiving position
my elbows need to come up more and I could jump higher.
I need to remember the hook grip.
kara needs to jump more!
Straighter arms would help
Keeping arms straight
jump higher
I didnt come on the day we power cleaned, but i still want a mstery suprise!!
jump and get elbows higher
I just want a good endurance built up
I need to work on getting my elbows up faster
I can work on my hook grip.
keeping my arms straight and elbows up faster
I didnt come on the day we power cleaned, but i still want a mystery surprise!~
keeping my arms straight and getting my elbows up
Arms Str8'
elbows higher
i can get my elbows up and jump higher
getting my elbows higher and jumping more
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