Wednesday 06/22/11


Power Clean
5 x 3

1 x 5+

2 x 5, 1 x 5+

Metcon TBA

Why do we deadlift?  Check it out. (Yes, we've seen this before, but it's awesome.)


stbolze said...

i want to try rugby sometime. we should do it someday in muscle as a replacement for a metcon

geselli said...

That's interesting.

stavigm said...

Nononono rugby,Sadie! I could get killed! o_0

sanchezt said...

that was pretty good watch this

sanchezr said...

that was totally awsome but something sad i found out today Ryan Dunn died in a car crash he was 34 he is from a couple famous movie :(

Anonymous said...

Why didn't that guy's pants rip?! I agree with Sadie's rugby suggestion.

saxman24.5 said...

Rugby? more like obliterate one's self, plus Arianne would just own us all. You guys didnt know she played rugby on the weekends?

gedwillos said...

that man is beastly

Becky said...

I completely agree with Sadie. We should most definitely play rugby sometime!!

noelj said...

ive been told by my doctor 2 take a week off of lifting bcuz of a sprained right toe so i will not b in attendance.

Klemp said...

ouch. KILLER back injury right there.

sjulinl said...

thats hilarious

sarah said...

METCON?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!? WHAT. didnt we die enough YESTERDAY? ridiculousness...

Bryan said...

This is going to be "trrible"

Dakota said...

very interesting

newhouseb said...

He makes it look easy.

Warneke said...


cameron said...

that is an awesome video

Thomas said...

lets do that sometime

Zach_K said...

School definitely needs a rugby team. anybody up for it?