Monday 06/04/12

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Also, read this entire post - you'll be glad you did!


Back Squat
2 x 5, 1 x 5+

2 x 5, 1 x 5+

Strict Pull-ups
3 sets

Assisted pull-ups - 3 x 10
Bodyweight pull-ups - 3 x 15

3 x 20

For those of you who are new to MSCL, 10 or 15 pull-ups may seem like a lot (and we haven't even mentioned weighted pull-ups yet!). That's O.K.! These are long-term goals, and we will discuss how to work toward those goals during your sessions today (this also applies to push-ups and dips). A lot of you will probably begin by using the assistance bands that we have hanging from the pull-up bars, and we'll start with a lower number of reps and build from there.

Finally . . . Monday's warm-up will have 20 burpees. If you post a comment to the comments section of this post (bottom-right of the post), you will only have to do 10. Make sure you give your first name - maybe a last initial if needed (don't put your first and last name - this is the internet, so protect your privacy). You might need to sign up for a google account if you don't have one - if you use gmail, you already have one (your Concordia email account is not a google account, but you can use it to sign up for one.  No worries - it's free). If for some reason you can't post to the comments, email your comment instead to me at


Anonymous said...

i commented

Anonymous said...

i commented

Anonymous said...

You really should put the olympic lifter schedule on here.

Phil said...

I've got it on a spreadsheet, and I'll show it to you, but I probably won't put it on the blog.

Beth said...

i am commenting.

Ben said...

Take off some of those burpees for me

Unknown said...

I commented.

jackson grasz said...

no burpees for MEEEEE!!!!!! said Jackson Grasz :)

jackson grasz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


vehles said...

i commented

vehles said...

i commented