Tuesday 07/10/12


Power Clean
5 x 3

3 min AMReAP of:
10 Push-ups
10 Walking Lunges
1 Down-back (basketball court)

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 4 cycles. Record total reps completed for each of the 4 cycles. The down-back starts from wherever you finish your lunges - it finishes back at the end line again.

Compare to 06/08/12.

What was your score last time (i.e., total reps)?  What is your goal this time?  Post to comments.


Unknown said...

Last Time:
Cycle One: 72, Cycle Two: 63, Cycle Three:47, Cycle Four:45.

This Time: (Goal) Cycle One: 76, Cycle Two: 66, Cycle Three: 49, Cycle Four: 46.

Unknown said...

Cycle 1 51, Cycle 2 43, Cycle 3 42, Cycle 4 42
Goal: Cycle 1 60, Cycle 2 52, Cycle 3 48, Cycle 4 46

Anonymous said...

Last time:
Cycle 1: 47
Cycle 2: 21
Cycle 3: 46
Cycle 4: 32

This Time (Goal):
Cycle 1: 63
Cycle 2: 57
Cycle 3: 60
Cycle 4: 54

vehles said...

Last Time:
cycle 1: 88 cycle 2:71 cycle 3:69 cycle 4:63
cycle 1: 94 cycle 2: 77 cycle 3:75 cycle 4:69

Unknown said...

I was absent last time.

Unknown said...

Last time:
Cycle 1: 89 2: 73 3: 63 4: 63
Goal: 1: 89 2: 75 3: 70 4: 63

Bryan said...

I'm with rachel on this one....but I'm going to as hard as I CON....get it, like metCON haaaaaa.

Anonymous said...

Last time:
Cycle 1: 81
Cycle 2: 67
Cycle 3: 67
Cycle 4: 51

Cycle 1: 85
Cycle 2: 75
Cycle 3: 70
Cycle 4: 70
At least 300 total reps.

jackson grasz said...

I wasnt there last time :D

Clara said...

last time i got 291 total, and my goal is 300 total

Anonymous said...

Last Time: Cycle 1 73 Cycle 2 43 Cycle 3 63 Cycle 4 54

Next Time: Cycle 1 76 Cycle 2 46 Cycle 3 66 Cycle 4 57

Unknown said...

I don't remember doing this before, but I'll estimate maybe cycle 1 70 cycle 2 65 cycle 3 60 cycle 4 55

John said...

Previous Cycle 1: 65 Cycle 2:44 Cycle 3: 47 Cycle 4:50


John said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I wasn't here last time, so I don't really know...

gedwillos said...

1: 69
2: 48
3: 46
4: 51
1: 70
2: 49
3: 47
4: 51