Monday 06/10/13

Post a goal to the comments today (there will be a reward). What do you want to achieve this summer in regards to athletics? A 100/200/300/400 lb squat? Benching your bodyweight for 5 reps or more? Increasing your vertical jump? Completing a metcon as prescribed (i.e., exactly as written - no scaling)? "Surviving MSCL" does not count! Make this a legitimate goal, and then dedicate yourself to achieving it!

You can email me your comment if necessary, but Tuesday is the last day to email me your comments - if you haven't been able to successfully comment yet, talk to me Monday or Tuesday, and I'll show you what to do.


Back Squat
2 x 5, 1 x 5+

2 x 5, 1 x 5+

Strict Pull-ups
Assisted - 3 x 10
Bodyweight - 3 x 15

3 x 20

Always superset pull-ups and push-ups, i.e., do pull-ups, then push-ups, then pull-ups, then push-ups, etc. Rest no more than one minute between exercises.

Accessory Work
(posted on whiteboard)


Unknown said...

I'd like to be able to squat a least 200 by the end of the year and bench press 10 pounds more than my body weight!

Anonymous said...

I want to be able to squat my body weight and become faster and stronger to help with soccer!

Anonymous said...

I want to do better at vertical jumps, squat and bench my body weight, and become faster to help with soccer and basketball! :D

Unknown said...

I want to be able to do 2 pull ups without bands and I want to squat my body weight by the end of the summer .

Unknown said...

i would like to be able to squat my body wieght

Nick K said...

I would like to be able to bench my body-weight at least five times by the end of summer.

Unknown said...

I want to improve my vertical and strengthen my core and triceps.

Anonymous said...

Benching more than my body weight more than 7 times.

Ross said...

I want to increase my vertical and get faster

Big Reid D said...

I want to squat my body weight.

Unknown said...

I want to become faster so that after I hit the ball I can come out of the batters box fast for softball. -kaci