What is your favorite favorite part about MSCL so far? Double-unders? Pull-ups? Squats? What is your least favorite part? Post your favorite and least favorite parts of MSCL to the comments (or email them to concordiamscl@gmail.com) and get a reward in the warm-up!
Junior High
-Back Squat
-Bench Press
-Kipping Pull-up
Senior High
Back Squat
2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Bench Press
2 x 5, 1 x 5+
1 x 5+
Accessory Work
my favorite part of mscl is competing. my least favorite part is failing on lifts
My favorite part is back squat. My least favorite part is the 400 meter warm-up.
Favorite: getting to max out on clean and jerk. That's fun.
Least Favorite: snatch.
My favorite part is getting stronger. My least favorite part is during the metcon when you feel like you're going to die.
Favorite: being and feeling awesome
Least fav: 400 meter warm up
favorite: pull ups
least favorite: 400m warm up
My favorite thing is probably squatting and feeling strong and powerful. My least favorite is definitely the 400 m warm up and in the middle of metcons when you feel like you're going to pass out and then die.
My favorite thing is probably squatting and feeling strong and powerful. My least favorite is definitely the 400 m warm up and in the middle of metcons when you feel like you're going to pass out and then die.
My favorite thing is probably squatting and feeling strong and powerful. My least favorite is definitely the 400 m warm up and in the middle of metcons when you feel like you're going to pass out and then die.
My favorite part is that I haven't had to do the 400m warm up yet. My least favorite part is that I'll have to soon.
My favorite part is getting stronger but my least favorite part is being really sore.
My least favorite part is the 400m warm up and my favorite part is competing.
My least favorite part is the 400m warm up and my favorite part is competing.
My favorite part of MSCL is bench press, and my least favorite part is high hang snatch.
My favorite part of MSCL had been back squat, and my least favorite part has been the 400 meter warm up.
My least favorite was the 400 meter
My favorite was the box jumps.
My favorite part is snatch, my least favorite part is getting hurt doing snatch, or anything.
My favorite part is back squat. My least favorite part is the 400 meter warm-up
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