Wednesday 07/01/09


Back Squat
5 x 5

Click here for a description and demonstration of the back squat.

Bench Press
5 x 5

Click here for a demonstration of the bench press. Pay close attention to the verbal instructions (feet placement, hand placement, where to focus the eyes, etc.). Most athletes think they know how to bench press; nevertheless, going over the basics provides great benefits.

Post-WOD stretching

Practicing the hang power clean - "Rack Delivery" (06/17/09),
i.e., keeping the elbows high and outside, the bar close to the body,
and then quickly rotating the elbows.

Special Note!!!
Thursday's WOD will be a team WOD, i.e., you and your teammates will compete against the other teams (no, you don't get to pick your own teams . . . good try, though). Because of this, I'd recommend showing up for the morning session if possible.

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