Wednesday 06/15/11


Power Clean
5 x 3

5 RM (5 Rep Max)

Bench Press
2 x 5, 1 x 5+

Mystery event!

Post a comment regarding one of the following videos (double reward if you post your Baseline Metcon time from Tuesday):

This video features Leidy Solis from Columbia. Leidy is 21 years old and, in this video, she clean and jerks 139 kg at a bodyweight of 67.4 kg (make sure your volume's on!). That's about 306 lbs at a bodyweight of about 149 lbs, which is pretty amazing!

This video features Kendrick Farris, a lifter for the U.S. - Kendrick lifts in the 85 kg class, which means he weighs about 187 lbs or less when he competes. In this video, he successfully cleans 218 kg (about 481 lbs) and just misses getting the jerk.

This last video features Kendrick again - this time, he throws the weight down and jumps in celebration after successfully snatching 157 kg (346 lbs). Check out how high he jumps, and bear in mind that this is after jumping 346 lbs over his head, catching it in a full squat, and then squatting that weight up to a full standing postion. If you ever wonder why we do power cleans, hopefully this video helps - the olympic lifts (cleans, jerks, and snatches) are great for developing explosive power, which is hugely important in sports.


Anonymous said...

the 146 lbs. girl has monstrous quads.

and time for the metcon- 5:11

chris i said...

what would he have had to do to finish it?

i had the luxury of being at cune rather than at that metcon

Warneke said...
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Warneke said...

Kendrick Farris' arms are bent in the 2nd video when he prepares to clean 218kg. Isn't that bad?
Time: 7.19
And are dress shoes a bad idea for deadlift?

Emilee said...

That girl is STRONG! And very loud... A good think about her clean is she had her elbows up.

My time was 7:13.

linaynay97 said...

Too bad that guy time was 6:09.

schneiderkr said...

Leidy is crazy strong, and Kendrick can jump real high!

Time: 11:01...speedy today I know!

shermanch said...

i wish i cld jump that high.

stavigm said...

That's monstrous. Watching it made me cringe. My metcon was 10:21

sanchezr said...

that guy has awsome hops I want them. He is also crazy strong to lift 481 lbs. above his head. I didn't do the METCON.

DeVon.S. said...

the girl has a funny scream and those lifts look like they hurt your knees! 6:16

Beth said...

Leida got her elbows up super fast! and she caught the bar super low! my time was 4:49

schneiderk said...

Leidy is swick nasty, and crazy fast and decisive! ohhh and if i could only jump that high...
My time: 8:02

Reid said...

first off, kendrick farris is a massive haase and i want to be him, dreads and all. time for the baseline metcon was 4:34. Sadly second place to Ian "The Machine" Gensler

Reid said...

first off, kendrick farris is a massive haase and i want to be him, dreads and all. time for the baseline metcon was 4:34. Sadly second place to Ian "The Machine" Gensler

sarah said...

i want to be able to life such heavy weights that i get to scream like that:P my time was 9:34...
mr meggers idk when you read these but im wonderin how im supposed to dead lift or power clean with my hands all messed up, i couldnt even go play guitar today!

logan d said...

i wish i could jump like the guy in the third video, hes crazy... 4:29

Becky said...

that girls scream was beast!! I wanna jump that high.
Baseline Metcon time- 6:02

Josh said...

Kendrick has hops!

Time: 5:29 (strict pull-ups)

KyleB said...

wow that guy in the last video has hops but those people have great form!!

metcon i got 5:51

sanchezt said...

the third video that guy gets up

Ben said...

Time for metcon was 5:21

i wish i ups like that last guy.....thats crazy to get that high after doin something like that....oh and the dreads are sick

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that girl screamed just to freak everyone out.... Is it okay that Kendrick was so low once he got the bar up to his shoulders?

Trevor said...

Leidy gets under the bar insanely fast and those were some sick ups.
Metcon-8:50 (ripped my hand on 6th butterfly kip so that went out the window, last 30 pullups were a mix of gymnastic kips and strict)

stbolze said...

uhh yea i think the sound affects from the girl definitely make her more intimidating. and holy cow the dude has ridiculous vertical

Klemp said...

look at that girls theighs, HOLY MOLEY....i wonder how high she can jump....shes a beast though:]

saxman24.5 said...

Kendrick Farris is still a success in my eyes, even though he didn't jerk it. and it is two lifts so he is all good.

Zach_K said...

Olympic weightlifters are crazy. no time for the metcon, i was home sick.

Unknown said...

She got the bar smoothly onto her shoulders. For how much weight she had that's pretty impressive.

Nathan said...

they dropped the bar hard after lifting those heavy weights.

schwartingt said...

isnt it bad that the guys arms are bent?

vehles said...

that girl is crazyyyy strong.... time 9 minutes.

WedigeR said...

My time was 7:25

jackson grasz said...

Thats gotta be the strongest girl ive ever seen! And i'll bet the scream helps with the power clean!
Metcon time: 5:18

brandon b said...

Wow she is strong
Time 8:24

Clara said...

8:22, they get down really low when they catch the bar

hawkinsm said...

thats crazy thats all i have to say... 8:15

hawkinsm said...

thats crazy thats all i have to say... 8:15

Ranch or Cookies said...

That girl kinda surprised me when she screamed really loud... that was cool though.

Ranch or Cookies said...

That girl kinda surprised me when she screamed really loud... that was cool though.

Trevor said...

i don't think i could lift as much as the girl int the first video

gedwillos said...

Those people were insane.

Time 6:57

schneiderk said...

Hey MR. Meggers, sorry Krista and I couldn't make it to mscl today, our babysitting job got moved up to earlier this morning.

beth said...

Kendrick Farris is so explosive it's amazing that he can jump that high.
My metcon time was

Zachary said...

i dont think that guy missd the jerk i mean 450+ pounds is quite a bit of iron
Metcon time-7:46

Dakota said...

very interesting videos, especially the girl one. time 4:42

Dakota said...
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Bryan said...

That guy's got black hops. and time-5:57

tylermoody1 said...

ok that girls scream was just creepy haha

Alex Giles said...

that chick is a beast

andrewg95 said...

wow that last guy jumped high
time 8:34 i think

Thomas said...

she is strong Time 10:02

KyleB said...

hey mr meggers i dont know if you will see this before 3 30 or not but i would like to come in around four or so and squat because i wont be able to make it to lifting on fri so if you could try and post a comment letting me know if that was ok could you do that? thanks!!

John said...

the guy in the third one could jump really high and i want to jump like that

John said...

his arms were bent in the second video
my time was 4:19

cameron said...

the dudes arms were bent in the second video

sjulinl said...

Thank goodness I didn't have to do this metcon because I would have had the worst time out there! I seriously have a mental block against this baseline metcon.