Friday 06/15/12

Check out the video of Lolo Jones - 2008 and 2012 Olympic hurdler - as she talks about her training, her motivation, and her comeback from back surgery.  With both videos today, they don't quite fit on the blog, but you can click the link above each video to watch it on YouTube (you can also simply start the video and then double-click it to to watch it in full-screen format).


Agility/Plyometrics - Testing
- Among other things today, we will test your 5-10-5 and 3-cone times.

"Jake, Jr."
5 rounds for time of:
50 ft Overhead Walking Lunges, 45#/25#
15 Burpees

We call it "Jake, Jr." since the original "Jake" has 21 burpees per round.

Devon Wylie, rookie receiver for the Kansas City Chiefs,
runs the 3-cone drill (click here to watch on YouTube).

Lolo Jones talks about working 12 years for a race that lasts 12 seconds (click here to watch on YouTube). How motivated are you? Are you thinking about how good you want to be? Or are you getting to the gym and taking advantage of every opportunity to actually get that good?

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