Monday 06/17/13


Back Squat
2 x 5, 1 x 5+

2 x 5, 1 x 5+

Strict Pull-ups
Assisted - 3 x 10
Bodyweight - 3 x 15

Box - 3 x 10
Floor - 3 x 20

With assisted pull-ups, when you reach your goal of 3 x 10, you move to a lighter band.  When you get to bodyweight pull-ups, your eventual goal is 3 x 15 (although you will start with a smaller number of reps, such as 3 x 4 or 3 x 5).  Likewise, with push-ups, when you reach your goal of 3 x 10 with a certain box height, move to a lower box.  When you are doing push-ups on the floor, your eventual goal is 3 x 20 (and then you would "graduate" to dips).

Accessory Work
(posted on whiteboard)

Bringing back memories from last Tuesday's "Tabata This" - way to go!


Anonymous said...

dang guys!!

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed that work out, it actually was a lot of fun! ~Emily H :)