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Complete 4 rounds AMReAP of the following:
Wall Ball Shots, 20#/14#
A round consists of:
Perform as many wall ball shots as possible in 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds, and then perform as many push-ups as possible in 40 seconds and rest for 20 seconds (so each round takes a total of 2 minutes).
Rest 5 minutes., then . . .
In teams of two, each teammate does 4 rounds for time of:
10 Burpees
20 Walking Lunges
10 Push Press, 75#/53#
Only 1 teammate may be working at a time, so one person is resting while the other is working. Person A does 1 round, then person B does 1 round, then A does 1 round, then B does 1 round, and this continues until each teammate has done 4 rounds. In some cases, the resting teammate will have to get the bar ready for the working teammate.
How many wall balls and push-ups did you get last time? What is your goal this time? Post to comments for a warm-up reward.
43wall balls 62pushups
45wb 65 push ups
I wasn't there the last time we did this metcom.
102 total. I aim to get at least 120 this time
Total was 109 and hoping to get 120.
Total was 109 and hoping to get 120.
Total 41 hoping to get 50-60
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