Back Squat
2 x 5, 1 x 5+
2 x 5, 1 x 5+
Strict Pull-ups
3 sets
Assisted pull-ups - 3 x 10
Bodyweight pull-ups - 3 x 15
3 x 20
Watch the video below for pictures of the lifting this past Friday. Post a comment regarding something you see that either . . .
a) you are doing properly, or . . .
b) you could improve.
As always, there is a reward for posting.
If you don't see yourself lifting in any of the pictures, comment on one of your fellow lifters (a nice comment, please). Extra imaginary bonus points go to anyone who comments on what is very correct about Lizzy's and Logan's squat set-ups (for those of you who don't know either of these two people, Lizzy is in the first photo, and Logan is the one in the yellow shirt and red lifting belt).
My hand spacing on bench looks good and I seem to be pushing through the floor well. Shouldve taken a picture of me squating in dress shoes because that is obviously correct. Lizzy and Logan have very straight wrists, I believe thats what you are looking for.
my head needs to be a little more in line with my spine
um i definitely need to work on getting lower and bending my left knee. but as for liz and logan, their wrists are very straight and their elbows are up....halla! :) haha
this is not the video i thought you were going to post!
I need to remember to breath when I bench and get lower when I squat.
I need to work on knees out, neck straight, and to get lower for squatting
I may need to widen my grip on bench.
I need to make sure my legs don't come to far foward when I am doing pull ups and when I am squating I need to keep my wrists straight and drive out my knees like Lizzy.
straight wrists, thumbs over, elbows are back, knees are shoved out in both logan and lizzys squats.i think i do a good job of bouncing at the bottom of the bench maybe even a little much
Lizzy's knees are pushed out and she is looking at the correct place. Her hands are placed well and the bar is in the correct place on her back. When I squat I need to focus on not going too low. I think I get lower then I need to which makes the weight harder then it is.
Both Lizzy's and Logan's wrists are straight and the bar is placed correctly on their backs. They both are looking where the wall meets the floor so their neck is in line with their spine
my head needs to be more down
Lizzy's wrists are nice and straight
I need to keep my elbows out for squatting, and get my butt lower for each rep.
I need to push my knees out more for squatting and have a straighter back.
Logan has his elbows back and his wrists are straight good job man
Lizzy and Logans hands are in the right place and their wrists are straight
liz and logan both have straight wrists. i need to work on controlling the bar better on the way down when im pressing.
my head needs to stay down
I need to squat more than I bench... I should get wider grip on bench. Lizzy and Logan have straight wrists
I need to work on placing the bar correctly on my back when squatting.
Logan and Lizzy shove their knees out which is good. I need to use more chalk.
I need to get lower on my squats.
well, on the two picstures I saw of me, i looked like I was being very helpful, even though i was not lifting at the time. So... Ashley.... way to help be such a good spotter for kennster and clara... and way to back squat so much weight. I aspire to you. haha
Lizzy and Logan both keep their elbows up and have straight wrists. I need to focus on bouncing at the bottom of my squats instead of going to slow and getting stuck at the bottom.
Lizzy and Logan do a very good job at positioning the bar correctly on their back, their wrists on the bar and elbows up! I need to work on keeping my right heel on the ground when I squat, and shoving my knees out!
im properly avoiding pictures!:D does that count? ...lizzie's squat stance is good and her shoulders are back and her arms and elbows look nicely positioned, straight and parallel...is that right? idk, might be making that up....i don't even believe i am coming tomorrow...well, enjoy this comment anyways.
I do decent job in getting low and shoving my knees out when I squat.
i could push my knees out more
well im not in anything! but logan and lizzy both have very straight wrists with there elbows up and you can see that they are looking down at the spot on the wall which is excellent.
also they shove out their knees!
I need to work on correct breathing. Lizzy and Logan are good at keeping their elbows up.
work those pushups ian!
Head in line with spine
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