Tuesday 06/28/11

Reminder #1 - it's agility/plyo day, so wear basketball or volleyball shoes if you have them!

Reminder #2 - there is no MSCL on Monday and Tuesday of next week (07/04/11 and 07/05/11).

Practice SDHP and push press

Some of you will test for your 5-10-5 time if you did not do so last week.

3 min AMRAP of:
10 Push-ups
10 Walking Lunges
1 Down-back (basketball court)

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 4 cycles. Record rounds completed for each of the 4 cycles. The down-back starts from wherever you finish your lunges - it finishes back at the end line again.

Compare to 07/16/10.


sanchezt said...

i hope I don't loose my legs

sanchezr said...

this is easy

Marilyn Wedige said...
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sarah said...

i think i remember that metcon being hard enough without the added 4 rounds:P....awweeeesome.

Zachary said...

my knees are gonna die!

Reid said...

This metcon is for babies. Come on meggers, really? I want a challenge next week.

Thomas said...

sounds easy