- Friday typically has plyometrics and agility training, so try to avoid wearing running shoes if at all possible. Basketball and/or volleyball shoes are much better options.
- It is very possible you will be doing push-ups in the grass today - it would be a good idea to bring along an old towel or an extra t-shirt (helps keep your face out of the grass).
- Post a goal to the comments today (there will be a reward). What do you want to achieve this summer in regards to athletics? A 200/300/400 lb squat? Benching your bodyweight for 5 reps or more? Increasing your vertical jump? Completing a metcon as prescribed (i.e., exactly as written - no scaling)? "Surviving MSCL" does not count!
- Also, today will be the last day that you can email your comments - talk to me if you've had problems posting a comment. Also, you can only post for yourself (siblings/friends cannot post for each other).
Junior High
-Back Squat
3 min AMReAP of:
10 Push-ups
10 Walking Lunges
1 Down-back (basketball court)
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 4 cycles. Record total reps completed for each of the 4 cycles. The down-back starts from wherever you finish your lunges - it finishes back at the end line again.
Senior High
3 min AMReAP of:
10 Push-ups
10 Walking Lunges
1 Down-back (basketball court)
Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 4 cycles. Record total reps completed for each of the 4 cycles. The down-back starts from wherever you finish your lunges - it finishes back at the end line again.
Compare to 07/09/13.
I want to get my snatch into the 100's amd if possible get my C+J in the 200's, that would be pretty cool
i want to be able to squat 225
My Goal this summer in MSCL, is to increase my Vertical for Volleyball
I want to increase my vertical
I want to be not weak
I want to increase my vertical
I want to back squat 250 or more.
I want to snatch my bodyweight
I want to improve my bench by a lot same with my squat weight
I want to get stronger for basketball, and increasing my vertical also for basketball.
I want to increase my vertical for volleyball and build more endurance.
I want to increase my vertical for volleyball and build more endurance.
I want to increase my vertical
I want to be able to increase my vertical jump!
I want to increase my vertical.
I want to increase my vertical jump
I want to improve my bench by alot
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